Left Handed Golf Tips: Why Lifting The Club Is A Problem For The Golf Swing (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Why Lifting The Club Is A Problem For The Golf Swing (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: If you also want to lift the golf club up during the backswing, you need to understand why this might be a problem for the overall technique. If you are looking to develop a large amounts of power than simply lifting up the arms away from the body is not going to enable you to do that, because as the arms in the club lift up away from the body, you really sacrifice the amount of the body turn that you need in the backswing.


Lefties only golf tips: If you also want to lift the golf club up during the backswing, you need to understand why this might be a problem for the overall technique. If you are looking to develop a large amounts of power than simply lifting up the arms away from the body is not going to enable you to do that, because as the arms in the club lift up away from the body, you really sacrifice the amount of the body turn that you need in the backswing.