Left Handed Golf Tips: Too Much Height Can Be A Problem In Your Golf Game (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Too Much Height Can Be A Problem In Your Golf Game (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: We have spent time now of how we can hit the ball higher with our irons and how we can really launch the ball up into the air with loads of loft and loads of backspin. We have also got to consider what if thats not your problem what if you have got already too much of that, and certainly having too much of a good thing can cause concerns.


Lefties only golf tip: We have spent time now of how we can hit the ball higher with our irons and how we can really launch the ball up into the air with loads of loft and loads of backspin. We have also got to consider what if thats not your problem what if you have got already too much of that, and certainly having too much of a good thing can cause concerns.