Left Handed Golf Tips: Key Techniques To An Easy Swing (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Key Techniques To An Easy Swing (Video)

Lefties Only Golf Tips: There's a time in a place for a golfer to hit the ball easy when we hit the ball a bit more smoothly. So sometimes you'll see a golfer who will let's say from a hundred fifty yards out take the pitching wedge out the back from one fifty and try and hit the ball as hard as they can and drive it up onto the green.


Lefties Only Golf Tips: There's a time in a place for a golfer to hit the ball easy when we hit the ball a bit more smoothly. So sometimes you'll see a golfer who will let's say from a hundred fifty yards out take the pitching wedge out the back from one fifty and try and hit the ball as hard as they can and drive it up onto the green.