Left Handed Golf Tips: Chicken Wing Drill by Tom Stickney
Left Handed Golf Tips: Chicken Wing Drill by Tom Stickney

Lefties only golf tip: Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about the chicken wing. Now we're going to pretend that you have a great path great pivott for whatever reason and you come through your arm and leading on your body. There's a million different ways to chicken wing the golf club or raising the club as it is being called.


Lefties only golf tip: Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about the chicken wing. Now we're going to pretend that you have a great path great pivott for whatever reason and you come through your arm and leading on your body. There's a million different ways to chicken wing the golf club or raising the club as it is being called.