Left Handed Golf Tips: How To Get The Short Game Of A Tour Pro by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Left Handed Golf Tips: How To Get The Short Game Of A Tour Pro by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

Lefties only golf tip: Here's a wager for you, if you were to swap or you were to ask any club golfer, amateur golfer to swap one part of a game with a torpedo. What do you think they would ask for? It's got to be driver It nearly spurted out of Matt before you'd even finished.


Lefties only golf tip: Here's a wager for you, if you were to swap or you were to ask any club golfer, amateur golfer to swap one part of a game with a torpedo. What do you think they would ask for? It's got to be driver It nearly spurted out of Matt before you'd even finished.