The aim of the game of golf is to propel that golf ball that way towards the intended target and we do that with the forward motion of the golf clubs. So the club is coming down and hitting the ball forwards but in order to swing the club forwards 1st we must swing it backward. It would be very awkward to walk up to a golf ball with the club already over your shoulder line up to it and then hit it that would be hard work tiny club add tiny ball no sort of reference points.
So what we need in golf is we need a backswing then we just return back to the ball in almost a reversing fashion that then becomes the forward swing. The backswing is very important as I address the golf ball here I feel like I've got a good strong set up position now here's a couple of great checkpoints for your backswing as you take the club away as I bring it back to my camera there. If I was to put a mirror where my camera would be quite often I'd like to see that my club covers the view of my hands so as I swing back to here I can't necessarily see my hands because the clubhead blocks the view.