Left Handed Golf Tips: Putting Swing Speed and Tempo by Tom Stickney
Left Handed Golf Tips: Putting Swing Speed and Tempo by Tom Stickney

Lefties only golf tip: Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about acceleration and deceleration what happens on putts and why people tend to slow down as they come through. This is one of the greatest tips I've ever heard a lot of times people come in here they get set up they take it back and they kind of slow down the decelerate coming through and when that happens usually what occurs is the length and the tempo of your back stroke is too rapid making it long and flowing it. So what happened was sort of like you know and when your mind sees a potters' going too far back and it's race back there too fast it automatically get thought is slow down.


Lefties only golf tip: Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about acceleration and deceleration what happens on putts and why people tend to slow down as they come through. This is one of the greatest tips I've ever heard a lot of times people come in here they get set up they take it back and they kind of slow down the decelerate coming through and when that happens usually what occurs is the length and the tempo of your back stroke is too rapid making it long and flowing it. So what happened was sort of like you know and when your mind sees a potters' going too far back and it's race back there too fast it automatically get thought is slow down.