When To Use A Knock Down Golf Shot (Video) - by Peter Finch
When To Use A Knock Down Golf Shot (Video) - by Peter Finch

When should you be using a knockdown golf shot when you’re on the course? Knockdown shots are all about control. They’re all about responding to situations, gaining more overall understanding of what you’re going to be doing with the ball flight. It’s all about really focusing in on getting that control over the shot. Now, that certainly brings up some images of certain situations that you might be on. So if you’re under pressure, if the wind is blowing, if you want to keep the ball low. These are all situations where that knockdown golf shot are going to come into play. Also the knockdown golf shot can be used if you’re stuck in between distances, so say between a seven and an eight iron, but we can go into that in a little bit more detail later on.

However, if you’re looking to hit that controlled shot you need to be looking at the situation where you’re under a bit of pressure. Now this could be in a tight match. This could be coming down the 18th. You’ve got an opening to a green which is quite narrow, and you need to get that ball on the green. Having that knockdown shot where you’re not swinging fully, you have more control over the club head and over the trajectory is going to be very important. If it’s very windy on the golf course a knockdown shot is also going to be very useful. Knockdown golf shots because of their essence of having wait for the forward by striking down on the ball more by having a shorter swing and less club head speed will keep the ball lower. That’s why you see most players when they’re playing in the open, so the top professionals of the British Open, you will see them hitting lots and lots of knockdown shots because it allows them to gain more control over the ball flight. Also, if you want to play a knockdown shot it should give you a more consistent ball flight. Now a lot of players find that when they hit knockdown shots they could hit the ball much straighter than they can with their full shot. That’s because there’s less power. That’s because there’s less of an overall swing length which will give players a little bit more control over what they’re doing with the club head. So those are the type of situations where you may be finding you need that knockdown shot. And it is certainly a fantastic swing to have within your locker as well.

When should you be using a knockdown golf shot when you’re on the course? Knockdown shots are all about control. They’re all about responding to situations, gaining more overall understanding of what you’re going to be doing with the ball flight. It’s all about really focusing in on getting that control over the shot. Now, that certainly brings up some images of certain situations that you might be on. So if you’re under pressure, if the wind is blowing, if you want to keep the ball low. These are all situations where that knockdown golf shot are going to come into play. Also the knockdown golf shot can be used if you’re stuck in between distances, so say between a seven and an eight iron, but we can go into that in a little bit more detail later on.

However, if you’re looking to hit that controlled shot you need to be looking at the situation where you’re under a bit of pressure. Now this could be in a tight match. This could be coming down the 18th. You’ve got an opening to a green which is quite narrow, and you need to get that ball on the green. Having that knockdown shot where you’re not swinging fully, you have more control over the club head and over the trajectory is going to be very important. If it’s very windy on the golf course a knockdown shot is also going to be very useful. Knockdown golf shots because of their essence of having wait for the forward by striking down on the ball more by having a shorter swing and less club head speed will keep the ball lower. That’s why you see most players when they’re playing in the open, so the top professionals of the British Open, you will see them hitting lots and lots of knockdown shots because it allows them to gain more control over the ball flight.

Also, if you want to play a knockdown shot it should give you a more consistent ball flight. Now a lot of players find that when they hit knockdown shots they could hit the ball much straighter than they can with their full shot. That’s because there’s less power. That’s because there’s less of an overall swing length which will give players a little bit more control over what they’re doing with the club head. So those are the type of situations where you may be finding you need that knockdown shot. And it is certainly a fantastic swing to have within your locker as well.