Women No Backswing Golf Drill Can Help Fix Your Downswing (Video) - by Natalie Adams
Women No Backswing Golf Drill Can Help Fix Your Downswing (Video) - by Natalie Adams Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

This is a great practice drill to help you learn the correct position to be in an impact and how the club should move on the downswing and move through the impact area correctly during a good powerful strike. If you take a set up where you’re nicely balanced, with this drill rather than making any backswing, we are not going to make a backswing at all. We’re just going to put you straight into the correct impact position. So the correct impact position should be that you’re rotated slightly with your lower body, so your knees are turning towards the target, you’re off your right heel and your hips are also turning towards the target.

Now what we want to do with this drill now is learn how to push the club and drive the ball to the target. So work on feeling like you’re pushing the ball on the club face and then flicking it off at the very last second. This will really help the right arm to extend through the shot and you can see that the club, the wrist has released, so the club head is finished above my hands, my left arm the elbow is bent and pointing downwards and I’ve really turned my right side into the shot. Now when you’re doing that drill, you can start –it will help you to start working on your downswing because if you start to pull the club and rather than moving the club head at the target, you pull the club head to the left, then you’re going to notice that the ball flies out to the left.

And if that’s happening at your downswing at speed, then you’re going to hit the ball even more to the left. So not only will this teach you how to move your body in the correct sequence of moving your body through the impact position, but you’re going to be able to work the club head through the correct swing path. So moving down the target line with the club face pointing at the target and you’ll be learning to release the club with full power so you’ll put your maximum club head speed into that drill. So work on doing that, then start to take some practice swings and imagine that you’ve got the club head as a magnet and the ball is magnetized to that club head.

So as you swing back, imagine you’ve got the ball on the club face and then as you swing down, work on the feeling of pushing and releasing the club off through the impact position as you have been doing with that drill. That really should help improve your downswing, so take your backswing out of it, work on that drill, it will teach you the correct way to move along the target line keeping the club face pointing at the target, and it will also help you learn to turn and rotate through impacts to create maximum club head speed and get the most from your golf shots.


Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

This is a great practice drill to help you learn the correct position to be in an impact and how the club should move on the downswing and move through the impact area correctly during a good powerful strike. If you take a set up where you’re nicely balanced, with this drill rather than making any backswing, we are not going to make a backswing at all. We’re just going to put you straight into the correct impact position. So the correct impact position should be that you’re rotated slightly with your lower body, so your knees are turning towards the target, you’re off your right heel and your hips are also turning towards the target.

Now what we want to do with this drill now is learn how to push the club and drive the ball to the target. So work on feeling like you’re pushing the ball on the club face and then flicking it off at the very last second. This will really help the right arm to extend through the shot and you can see that the club, the wrist has released, so the club head is finished above my hands, my left arm the elbow is bent and pointing downwards and I’ve really turned my right side into the shot. Now when you’re doing that drill, you can start –it will help you to start working on your downswing because if you start to pull the club and rather than moving the club head at the target, you pull the club head to the left, then you’re going to notice that the ball flies out to the left.

And if that’s happening at your downswing at speed, then you’re going to hit the ball even more to the left. So not only will this teach you how to move your body in the correct sequence of moving your body through the impact position, but you’re going to be able to work the club head through the correct swing path. So moving down the target line with the club face pointing at the target and you’ll be learning to release the club with full power so you’ll put your maximum club head speed into that drill. So work on doing that, then start to take some practice swings and imagine that you’ve got the club head as a magnet and the ball is magnetized to that club head.

So as you swing back, imagine you’ve got the ball on the club face and then as you swing down, work on the feeling of pushing and releasing the club off through the impact position as you have been doing with that drill. That really should help improve your downswing, so take your backswing out of it, work on that drill, it will teach you the correct way to move along the target line keeping the club face pointing at the target, and it will also help you learn to turn and rotate through impacts to create maximum club head speed and get the most from your golf shots.