Top Of The Golf Swing, What Does It Mean Set The Club At The Top (Video) - by Peter Finch
Top Of The Golf Swing, What Does It Mean Set The Club At The Top (Video) - by Peter Finch

What does it mean to set the club at the top, and why is important to the golf swing. Setting the club at the top is actually kind of a combination of different movements that come together to set you in the best position at the top of the backswing. Now setting the club at the top mainly refers to the wrists as they hinge and get into this position where there’s a 90-degree angle between the shaft and the arms and the wrists at this point in the swing. Now it’s getting that position during the back swing, turning until the hands sit in a position where they are pretty much just above the right shoulder, the wrist are in a 90 degree angle, and the club face matches the back of the left wrist and the back of the left arm. Now that is a nice set at the top of the swing.

Now it’s important because if you can get a set at the top of the swing it means you are now ready to start the down swing. A lot of people don’t actually complete that position and therefore their actual down swing is thrown out of sync and their actual path and the connection with the ball can change. If you want to actually practice getting this set position you can use pause drill, which basically involves you swinging to the top allowing those wrists to hinge upwards, getting into a position where everything is set, pausing, and then continuing to swing down. Now the length of the pause you use can be very individual but to begin with just use a one second pause to make sure you complete the backswing and get set into that position. So it’s to the top wrist hinge nice full turn and pause and then swing down and through. It’s a very strange feeling to begin with but if you can get in those positions it will allow you to set the club properly and then you can begin to turn, begin to rotate and hopefully have a successful shot.

What does it mean to set the club at the top, and why is important to the golf swing. Setting the club at the top is actually kind of a combination of different movements that come together to set you in the best position at the top of the backswing. Now setting the club at the top mainly refers to the wrists as they hinge and get into this position where there’s a 90-degree angle between the shaft and the arms and the wrists at this point in the swing. Now it’s getting that position during the back swing, turning until the hands sit in a position where they are pretty much just above the right shoulder, the wrist are in a 90 degree angle, and the club face matches the back of the left wrist and the back of the left arm. Now that is a nice set at the top of the swing.

Now it’s important because if you can get a set at the top of the swing it means you are now ready to start the down swing. A lot of people don’t actually complete that position and therefore their actual down swing is thrown out of sync and their actual path and the connection with the ball can change. If you want to actually practice getting this set position you can use pause drill, which basically involves you swinging to the top allowing those wrists to hinge upwards, getting into a position where everything is set, pausing, and then continuing to swing down.

Now the length of the pause you use can be very individual but to begin with just use a one second pause to make sure you complete the backswing and get set into that position. So it’s to the top wrist hinge nice full turn and pause and then swing down and through. It’s a very strange feeling to begin with but if you can get in those positions it will allow you to set the club properly and then you can begin to turn, begin to rotate and hopefully have a successful shot.