The Fundamental Of Firing The Golf Club Down Toward Target (Video) - by Peter Finch
The Fundamental Of Firing The Golf Club Down Toward Target (Video) - by Peter Finch

Now I’ve already spoken about lower half movement within these video series about how you can maintain your balance while firing the club down towards the target. But now let’s move up to the upper half because it is that classic position that you see when that club is extending down towards your target, those arms are nice and extended and there's a real powerful movement down towards the target. Now that is all kind of really powered by the hands, the arms, and the upper body. Yes the lower half is important because it transfers power from the ground.

It gives balance. But to really kind of hit these key positions, it's this part of the swing that we now need to focus on. And we can kind of break it down into a few key points. There is a lot of different moving parts here. But if you can hit a few certain situations, it should give you a rough estimate or a rough feeling of what you should be doing. Now what I want to see you do, what I want to see you guys try and practice is getting into your setup position. I’ve already spoken about that lower half movement, but it’s to hit two key areas. And hopefully the impact will sort itself out. I'll show you what I mean. So it’s taking it up to a nice full backswing or a little half swing, it doesn’t really matter for the drill. But the first key position you want to be hitting is here. It’s getting that left arm pretty much parallel to the ground. Even if it’s just after that, it’s fine but it’s getting that shaft pointing up at the sky. Now you'll see this L shape which is being created here. Now this is what's known as the lag angle. It’s what’s known as kind of storing your power. There's lots of different words for it, but it’s basically allowing the wrists still to have cock, still to have hinge in them halfway through the downswing. Now this is important because the transfer of energy from the club into impact and through impact is all about taking this position here with that stored energy, moving it into impact, and then extending those arms out. It’s what's known as straightening a lever in the golf swing. This lever here, whether it’s hinged coming down into impact, and then extending the club down to impact. So it's very, very, very simple as far as the drill is concerned. It's getting set up, taking it back, trying to maintain the angle as you come down, moving through, and then really extending those arms down towards the target. And you can hold that position as you come through in here just to see if you are getting into those right positions. So that is a key fundamental of what you need to be seeing as far as storing energy and then transferring energy into the shot, and then firing that club down to the target.

Now I’ve already spoken about lower half movement within these video series about how you can maintain your balance while firing the club down towards the target. But now let’s move up to the upper half because it is that classic position that you see when that club is extending down towards your target, those arms are nice and extended and there's a real powerful movement down towards the target. Now that is all kind of really powered by the hands, the arms, and the upper body. Yes the lower half is important because it transfers power from the ground.

It gives balance. But to really kind of hit these key positions, it's this part of the swing that we now need to focus on. And we can kind of break it down into a few key points. There is a lot of different moving parts here. But if you can hit a few certain situations, it should give you a rough estimate or a rough feeling of what you should be doing. Now what I want to see you do, what I want to see you guys try and practice is getting into your setup position. I’ve already spoken about that lower half movement, but it’s to hit two key areas.

And hopefully the impact will sort itself out. I'll show you what I mean. So it’s taking it up to a nice full backswing or a little half swing, it doesn’t really matter for the drill. But the first key position you want to be hitting is here. It’s getting that left arm pretty much parallel to the ground. Even if it’s just after that, it’s fine but it’s getting that shaft pointing up at the sky. Now you'll see this L shape which is being created here. Now this is what's known as the lag angle. It’s what’s known as kind of storing your power.

There's lots of different words for it, but it’s basically allowing the wrists still to have cock, still to have hinge in them halfway through the downswing. Now this is important because the transfer of energy from the club into impact and through impact is all about taking this position here with that stored energy, moving it into impact, and then extending those arms out. It’s what's known as straightening a lever in the golf swing. This lever here, whether it’s hinged coming down into impact, and then extending the club down to impact.

So it's very, very, very simple as far as the drill is concerned. It's getting set up, taking it back, trying to maintain the angle as you come down, moving through, and then really extending those arms down towards the target. And you can hold that position as you come through in here just to see if you are getting into those right positions. So that is a key fundamental of what you need to be seeing as far as storing energy and then transferring energy into the shot, and then firing that club down to the target.