The Finish - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles
The Finish - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles

The finish position in your golf swing might not feel that important because all the golfers think well I hit the ball now what does it matter what I do. What does it matter if I hit the ball and then throw the golf club. What does it matter if I hit the ball and then wander off. What does it matter if I hit the ball and then lean back over here all of which we've seen.

I think the point is that what you do in the finish of your swing is going to affect what happens prior to that position. The body is quite smart and the body is always trying to until happens next and get ready for it. So if my body knows that after I hit a golf ball I need to be standing here in a balanced position fully turn through to target it with my hips so my chest aiming at the intended target and I turn through like this then my body knows if this is where it needs to finish well I better start getting ready for that position before it comes.


The finish position in your golf swing might not feel that important because all the golfers think well I hit the ball now what does it matter what I do. What does it matter if I hit the ball and then throw the golf club. What does it matter if I hit the ball and then wander off. What does it matter if I hit the ball and then lean back over here all of which we've seen.

I think the point is that what you do in the finish of your swing is going to affect what happens prior to that position. The body is quite smart and the body is always trying to until happens next and get ready for it. So if my body knows that after I hit a golf ball I need to be standing here in a balanced position fully turn through to target it with my hips so my chest aiming at the intended target and I turn through like this then my body knows if this is where it needs to finish well I better start getting ready for that position before it comes.