Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro
If you’re having problems with accuracy and distance with your golf swing, one of the areas to look at would be how you’re clearing your hips and how your hips are moving as you hit the golf ball. So if we look at how to move your hips correctly through impact, once you’re at the top of the swing and you feel your weight is a little bit more on your right leg, we should feel a little bump to the left. So there should be slight lateral movement to the left and then a rotation into the hips, if you’re moving your hips and clearing your hips correctly.
So swing to the top, a little move, little bump left and then turn the hips, so the belt buckle turns to the target. What you need to watch for here, is that if you’re at the top of the swing, you don’t just want to turn the hips because it won’t allow you to shift your weight correctly and that may produce shots that will go off to the left, or if you leave the face open, you’re going to slice.
Similarly, if you swing to the top, you don’t want to bump too much to the left. That’s now going to produce you to slide into the shot, you’re not going to create enough rotation in your hips and you’re just going to block the shot out to the right because you’re not rotating enough. So you need a touch of — little bump, touch of swaying the hips to the left and the rotation with the belt.
A good way to practice that move, would be to stand next to a wall, just so you feel your bum’s touching the wall. And then what we want to do as you swing back, you should feel that the right side of your back side is now touching the wall and what we want to work on here is rolling your hips, rolling your back side along the wall, so that your left bum cheek touches the wall here.
So from here, the correct movement’s going to be to roll along that wall into position. So we’re not just turning, okay and we’re not sliding without this side touching the wall. We’re getting a movement where we roll along the wall and the left side is in a different position to where the tight side is touching. If you work on that little bumping rotational movement, you should finally become a lot more accurate and create much more distance.