Start Small Golf Drill Of Light Grip Pressure (Video) - by Peter Finch
Start Small Golf Drill Of Light Grip Pressure (Video) - by Peter Finch

Another great way to test your grip pressure is by using the start small drill. It uses a little bit of mental trickery is probably the best way of describing it and physical feelings. So to scale between one and five what you want to be doing is starting off on the scale of one which is gripping the club as lightly as possible. So you hardly want to be holding on. Now I’ve already spoken about how you can swing and hit and the grip tenacity will actually increase as you strike the shot. This drill is all about trying to maintain and keep you relaxed even when you are hitting. It will literally feel as you clip the ball away like you're hardly holding the club at all.

So keeping it very, very, very relaxed, hardly tensing up as you hit. And the maximum amount of distance that you're going to be able to get out of this no more than a hundred yards. Because if you swing go to the top, you'll almost let go of the club. Now the next shot, all you want to be doing is just gripping on that little bit tighter. So on a scale of one to five, about two and then trying to maintain that constant grip pressure all the way through as well. So holding on about a two and then doing that same type of motion, that same type of swing. You start small in number one and you build your way back up to five. Then come back down into one. And you’ll soon find if you repeat this drill five or six times the favorite grip pressure normally for most people is around number three. But you might surprise yourself. You might find that you are hitting the best shots with the number four for example. It's all about experimenting. It's all about testing out new ideas because as we mentioned before grip pressure is something which is individual to you. Your grip pressure will be different than someone else's grip pressure. And by using a drill like this, you should be able to find the perfect one for you.

Another great way to test your grip pressure is by using the start small drill. It uses a little bit of mental trickery is probably the best way of describing it and physical feelings. So to scale between one and five what you want to be doing is starting off on the scale of one which is gripping the club as lightly as possible. So you hardly want to be holding on. Now I’ve already spoken about how you can swing and hit and the grip tenacity will actually increase as you strike the shot. This drill is all about trying to maintain and keep you relaxed even when you are hitting. It will literally feel as you clip the ball away like you're hardly holding the club at all.

So keeping it very, very, very relaxed, hardly tensing up as you hit. And the maximum amount of distance that you're going to be able to get out of this no more than a hundred yards. Because if you swing go to the top, you'll almost let go of the club. Now the next shot, all you want to be doing is just gripping on that little bit tighter. So on a scale of one to five, about two and then trying to maintain that constant grip pressure all the way through as well. So holding on about a two and then doing that same type of motion, that same type of swing.

You start small in number one and you build your way back up to five. Then come back down into one. And you’ll soon find if you repeat this drill five or six times the favorite grip pressure normally for most people is around number three. But you might surprise yourself. You might find that you are hitting the best shots with the number four for example. It's all about experimenting. It's all about testing out new ideas because as we mentioned before grip pressure is something which is individual to you. Your grip pressure will be different than someone else's grip pressure. And by using a drill like this, you should be able to find the perfect one for you.