Proper Hip Spin by Tom Stickney
Proper Hip Spin by Tom Stickney Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about spinning out. A lot of times people get to the top and they've been told to fire their hips well the hips have to move this way as they rotate so the weight goes forward but what a lot of people do they get to the top and they're 1st of all this left hip going this way. Which actually throws your weight in your rear foot coming down hence spinning out.

So what we want to do is you have to remember that the hips do spin but there's a momentary bump right before the hips start to spin. So for some people who have a propensity to spin out a good way to feel it is when you spin out the weight goes into your left heel when you bump then you turn your weight goes into your instepof your arch on your left foot. So hit some balls real slow try to make sure that that weight goes into your arch not shoot into your left heel immediately on the downstroke if you're going to be in good shape. Remember the spin-out is a deadly move a little bit of bump as you spin move that weight to the arch going to help you hold on.


Tom Stickney - A Top 100 Golf Teacher Tom Stickney – A Top 100 Golf Teacher

Hi I'm Tom Stickney Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor and today I want to talk to you about spinning out. A lot of times people get to the top and they've been told to fire their hips well the hips have to move this way as they rotate so the weight goes forward but what a lot of people do they get to the top and they're 1st of all this left hip going this way. Which actually throws your weight in your rear foot coming down hence spinning out.

So what we want to do is you have to remember that the hips do spin but there's a momentary bump right before the hips start to spin. So for some people who have a propensity to spin out a good way to feel it is when you spin out the weight goes into your left heel when you bump then you turn your weight goes into your instepof your arch on your left foot. So hit some balls real slow try to make sure that that weight goes into your arch not shoot into your left heel immediately on the downstroke if you're going to be in good shape. Remember the spin-out is a deadly move a little bit of bump as you spin move that weight to the arch going to help you hold on.