Isolating The Physical Mistakes Of The Golf Yips (Video) - by Pete Styles
Isolating The Physical Mistakes Of The Golf Yips (Video) - by Pete Styles Pete Styles â?? PGA Teaching Pro Pete Styles – PGA Teaching Pro

So you are joining me now as I am starting the bases of an experiment that I would like you to conduct. Which would involve hitting 50 putts from about a club length away from the hole of around about 3 feet. So I've taken a club length away from the hole of the bucket with my little red tee here I'm going to go ahead and hit 50 putts from this distance. Now thankfully for you guys I'm not going to have all 50 on camera you don't have to watch that but I would like you to try and find time to set this exercise up on a relatively flat part of the green on a nice putting surface and go ahead and hit those 50 and now what I'd like to do is kind of keep a school mental score of how many you hole. Between 50 and 45.

Green like the way you can be pretty happy with the so with between 45/50 but some good numbers between 40/45 it's OK. Maybe there's a little technical issue that you need alignment issue 40 to 45 is OK now less than 40 we've got a concern with this part of your game less than 80 percent from the way on a flight green particular when you start to know the line that would tell me that there is a physical limitation mistake within your putting stroke it might not be the full blown yips but if your a putts this way. More than 80 percent then there's probably a mistake in your game that certainly on the golf course is costing you shots. So these next few videos to work on how you can improve technique from this range particularly if you feel the year over those nasty little 3 footers.


Pete Styles â?? PGA Teaching Pro Pete Styles – PGA Teaching Pro

So you are joining me now as I am starting the bases of an experiment that I would like you to conduct. Which would involve hitting 50 putts from about a club length away from the hole of around about 3 feet. So I've taken a club length away from the hole of the bucket with my little red tee here I'm going to go ahead and hit 50 putts from this distance. Now thankfully for you guys I'm not going to have all 50 on camera you don't have to watch that but I would like you to try and find time to set this exercise up on a relatively flat part of the green on a nice putting surface and go ahead and hit those 50 and now what I'd like to do is kind of keep a school mental score of how many you hole. Between 50 and 45.

Green like the way you can be pretty happy with the so with between 45/50 but some good numbers between 40/45 it's OK. Maybe there's a little technical issue that you need alignment issue 40 to 45 is OK now less than 40 we've got a concern with this part of your game less than 80 percent from the way on a flight green particular when you start to know the line that would tell me that there is a physical limitation mistake within your putting stroke it might not be the full blown yips but if your a putts this way. More than 80 percent then there's probably a mistake in your game that certainly on the golf course is costing you shots. So these next few videos to work on how you can improve technique from this range particularly if you feel the year over those nasty little 3 footers.