Left Handed Golf Tips: The all-important golf downswing transition (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: The all-important golf downswing transition (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: If you feel even now built yourself a really good strong solid stable position at the top of the back swing It's super super important that we use that energy correctly in the downswing and we don't waste any of that energy. So golf has now got a wide stance the body weight pressing on the inside the big turn to the top and we still see some golfers from this good position wasting energy by doing three things.


Lefties only golf tips: If you feel even now built yourself a really good strong solid stable position at the top of the back swing It's super super important that we use that energy correctly in the downswing and we don't waste any of that energy. So golf has now got a wide stance the body weight pressing on the inside the big turn to the top and we still see some golfers from this good position wasting energy by doing three things.