Left Handed Golf Tips: Strategy Points And Technique To Use For Golf Explosion Shots (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Strategy Points And Technique To Use For Golf Explosion Shots (Video)

Lefties Only Golf Tips: Explosion shots can be the key to getting you out of some pretty precarious situations on the golf course. Be that from a bunker like I'm in here where I can have an explosion shot or even some waste area around the around the green or even in between the trees where the lie isn't very good we can explode the ball at that situation.


Lefties Only Golf Tips: Explosion shots can be the key to getting you out of some pretty precarious situations on the golf course. Be that from a bunker like I'm in here where I can have an explosion shot or even some waste area around the around the green or even in between the trees where the lie isn't very good we can explode the ball at that situation.