Left Handed Golf Tips: Over Coming The Mental Scaring Of Shanking The Golf Ball (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Over Coming The Mental Scaring Of Shanking The Golf Ball (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: When you have gone through a period of hitting the heel of the golf club, many players have me included. It is very difficult to overcome the mental scaring that leaves, because it is such a horrible feeling when you hit it out the shank because it flies away so violently off to the side, it is not easy to overcome.


Lefties only golf tips: When you have gone through a period of hitting the heel of the golf club, many players have me included. It is very difficult to overcome the mental scaring that leaves, because it is such a horrible feeling when you hit it out the shank because it flies away so violently off to the side, it is not easy to overcome.