Left Handed Golf Tips: How To Stop Fatting Your Golf Iron Shot (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: How To Stop Fatting Your Golf Iron Shot (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: Fat shots can be so destructive for golfers on the golf course. There's nothing more frustrating than lining up this sign shot beautifully on to the green get in the feature set up every thing's looking good you mates have been telling you that you've got to really keep your head down keep your head down stay down don't top of all don't top the ball you stay down so much that you chunk this ball and it goes about fifty yards forwards fifty yards in the air and just lands well short of the green.


Lefties only golf tips: Fat shots can be so destructive for golfers on the golf course. There's nothing more frustrating than lining up this sign shot beautifully on to the green get in the feature set up every thing's looking good you mates have been telling you that you've got to really keep your head down keep your head down stay down don't top of all don't top the ball you stay down so much that you chunk this ball and it goes about fifty yards forwards fifty yards in the air and just lands well short of the green.