Left Handed Golf Tips: How To Correctly Trigger The Golf Downswing (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: How To Correctly Trigger The Golf Downswing (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: When we set up to the golf ball we should be taking our time to get into a good address position. Then we should have a trigger to start the back swing because sometimes we get frozen over the golf ball we stand here for to long and we get frozen and not quite sure when to take the swing back. So a lot of golfers will have a trigger and there might also be a similar trigger at the top of the back swing turning it into the down swing.


Lefties only golf tip: When we set up to the golf ball we should be taking our time to get into a good address position. Then we should have a trigger to start the back swing because sometimes we get frozen over the golf ball we stand here for to long and we get frozen and not quite sure when to take the swing back. So a lot of golfers will have a trigger and there might also be a similar trigger at the top of the back swing turning it into the down swing.