Left Handed Golf Question: How Can I Get Up And Down More To Improve My Golf Scores (Video)
Left Handed Golf Question: How Can I Get Up And Down More To Improve My Golf Scores (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: How can I get up and down more to improve my golf scores? Now getting up and down around the green is one of the key fundamentals you will need to actually improve your scores overall. Because you can hit the ball as well as anyone you know, but unless you can start getting up and downs from chipping from bunkers from pitching.


Lefties only golf tip: How can I get up and down more to improve my golf scores? Now getting up and down around the green is one of the key fundamentals you will need to actually improve your scores overall. Because you can hit the ball as well as anyone you know, but unless you can start getting up and downs from chipping from bunkers from pitching.