If you want to know what good timing looks like go find the best junior player in the club. I can guarantee that it doesn't matter wht their swing looks like if there were a good junior golfer they've got great timing because timing is all about making the most of making the most efficient use of what you've got. Generally good junior players will have that in spades because they don't physically have the attributes that help them to hit the ball a 1000000 miles an hour.
I would probably wager that if you're an average strength person you've got way more strength than a junior player but I bet they hit the ball further than your at least as far as you because they're using that swing for the most efficient capabilities and that is all down to good timing. So often we see good strong built people you know strong as in the in the gym they can lift weights they can play other sports can to go and they swing as hard as they can on a 700 yards and then you get up 14 year old junior player who's about 8 stone wet through and got no weight beyond they got my muscles in their arms and they swing the 7 iron pop it out there 130 yards in.