Sometimes the title that the tips are a little bit you know you're not really sure what's coming what the tip is going to be about. This not so much this one's pretty obvious one is what is a hp bump should I do it is a pretty obvious title. So Matt I'm going to throw it straight over to you what's the hp bump and should the golfers at home be doing it?
OK yes, So you know I say pretty obvious title is where does the hip bump come I think is the more important part of this tip you know yes we do want a hip bump but where we want it and why we want to is more conducive to hitting some good golf shots. So what we're talking about here is the transition and how we're going to start the transition. So if we draw on the face on camera here what we know is we have a backswing and then we have something of a downswing and the transition is that gray bit in between where they call this changing direction but a lot of people tend to get it wrong.