So here’s a good pop quiz question for you. In 2007 two golfers won two tournaments in that year both of them left handers. Now if said to you which one would that be? Most people would go for Phil Mickelson just because he probably did win two tournaments in that year and you’d be correct to say Phil Mickelson but the other left hander a guy called Steve Flesch and probably more impressively he actually won two tournaments in a five tournament stretch.
So he’s obviously playing really good consistent golf during that period. And one of the keys when we look at Steve Flesch we break down his swing, we analyze good movements that he has, he’s not the biggest guy in the world but he creates incredible torque in his golf swing. His shoulders are widening up one way but his hips aren’t going with his shoulders so he creates massive power. So if I demonstrate this as a left handed golfer I’m going to spin around this way I’m going to show you how I would I would hit the golf ball towards the target there. So it spurns back and it creates a massive rotation of his upper body really turning around a lot but without really losing too much from his hips.
If the hips follow the shoulders we get to a position where we haven’t really created a great deal of torque there’s not a great deal of power in that. But if I can place a club against my hips here and keep that pointing down the camera line, yet wind my upper body as far as possible I can start to feel a lot of tension here, a lot of stretching. The hips are coming round a little bit but they’re certainly not following the shoulders. And the more tension that you can create in your back swing there winding your shoulders against your hips or as a right handed swinger I would turn it back this way, feel like my shoulders turn a lot and my hips don’t turn much, I can create an awful lot of power.
It’s interesting actually myself as a right handed golfer I’m able to turn a lot more into my right handed back swing than I’m into my left handed swing. So clearly my flexibility is very different on the right side of my body my left side of my body because I do a right handed swing far more regularly. So if you feel that you’re struggling with distance and you don’t feel like you are winding up you initially too might find this quite a stretch but don’t forget the more you stretch the more flexibility you will create. So every time you make the right movements in your golf swing you’ll start to generate some sort of little stretching exercises almost every swing you make is mini a stretching exercise, which in the longer term will provide you with a lot more power.
So if like Steve Flesch you can make a big wind up at the shoulders less movement going on with the hips and then fast with your hips and the down swing, turning your belt buckle very aggressively to the left hand side for the right handed golfer spinning out through the ball quickly with the hips and pilling it down the middle. Hopefully like Flesch you can go on that little burst of good performance where you can win two tournaments out of five it’s no mean feat.