Toe Golf Shot Drill 2: Swing and miss on the outside (Video) - by Pete Styles
Toe Golf Shot Drill 2: Swing and miss on the outside (Video) - by Pete Styles

Now here’s a great little drill if you've been toeing the golf ball too much and you've tried to stop it but you're struggling with it. I’d like you to practice missing the golf ball and that sounds bad. But we need to really exaggerate your mistake a little bit or really exaggerate the correction for your mistake a little bit and try and work on striking the ball a little bit in the center of the golf club. So here I'm going to turn to face to the camera. I'm going to set to my normal position. Try and keep the ball in the middle of the golf club. Don't really cheat to compensate for your fault by pushing into the heel. That doesn't really work for us here. We're going to have the ball right in the middle of the golf club face there and then I'm going to set to put my normal position. Now, working on the principle that when you strike the ball currently, if you're toeing it. You're hitting from this area. You've pulled the golf club in a little bit. I actually like to go the opposite way with you here and get you to miss the golf ball on the far side. So rather than pulling in you're learning to extend and stretch and hit out a little bit.

Now, because of the shape of the golf club, this is a big strike. You’ve really got to town on this and make a big change. But we'll swing the golf club up and then forwards and in front and swing down on the far side of the golf ball. So you're learning to not to pull the club into your body and lean back. But you're learning to go the opposite way and extend out on the far side of the ball. Now, some people don't feel comfortable doing this with the golf ball straight. So in case they clip or they hit the heel and it goes out sideways. So it’s not a bad idea just to practice to a t-peg. Set yourself to a low t-peg on the driving range. Make your swing and just skim down on the far side then watch where the golf club goes and see how it skims down over there. Then if you made your normal swing with your arms pulling into your body, you'll probably see how you skim on the inside. That’s the problem. That’s what’s been giving you the toe shots.

So practice five swings each time hitting on the outside, hitting on the outside then put the ball on a T and go for the same feeling of hitting on the outside. Chances are, if you do it correctly, you'd actually hit the ball quite close to the heel of the golf club. And you might think, well, I don't want to replace the toe with the heel but initially you need to get rid of the toe. Have it before it goes off the heel, then you can feel where that part of the golf club is. You know where the toe is already. Then you can start striking the center. So hitting the center is a little bit of distract jam, not just exaggerate it but it’s a little bit of a feeling of stretching out and avoid the feeling of pulling in. So practice swinging and missing to stop the toeing of the golf ball.


Now here’s a great little drill if you've been toeing the golf ball too much and you've tried to stop it but you're struggling with it. I’d like you to practice missing the golf ball and that sounds bad. But we need to really exaggerate your mistake a little bit or really exaggerate the correction for your mistake a little bit and try and work on striking the ball a little bit in the center of the golf club.
So here I'm going to turn to face to the camera. I'm going to set to my normal position. Try and keep the ball in the middle of the golf club. Don't really cheat to compensate for your fault by pushing into the heel. That doesn't really work for us here. We're going to have the ball right in the middle of the golf club face there and then I'm going to set to put my normal position. Now, working on the principle that when you strike the ball currently, if you're toeing it. You're hitting from this area. You've pulled the golf club in a little bit. I actually like to go the opposite way with you here and get you to miss the golf ball on the far side. So rather than pulling in you're learning to extend and stretch and hit out a little bit.

Now, because of the shape of the golf club, this is a big strike. You’ve really got to town on this and make a big change. But we'll swing the golf club up and then forwards and in front and swing down on the far side of the golf ball. So you're learning to not to pull the club into your body and lean back. But you're learning to go the opposite way and extend out on the far side of the ball. Now, some people don't feel comfortable doing this with the golf ball straight. So in case they clip or they hit the heel and it goes out sideways. So it’s not a bad idea just to practice to a t-peg. Set yourself to a low t-peg on the driving range. Make your swing and just skim down on the far side then watch where the golf club goes and see how it skims down over there. Then if you made your normal swing with your arms pulling into your body, you'll probably see how you skim on the inside. That’s the problem. That’s what’s been giving you the toe shots.

So practice five swings each time hitting on the outside, hitting on the outside then put the ball on a T and go for the same feeling of hitting on the outside. Chances are, if you do it correctly, you'd actually hit the ball quite close to the heel of the golf club. And you might think, well, I don't want to replace the toe with the heel but initially you need to get rid of the toe. Have it before it goes off the heel, then you can feel where that part of the golf club is. You know where the toe is already. Then you can start striking the center. So hitting the center is a little bit of distract jam, not just exaggerate it but it’s a little bit of a feeling of stretching out and avoid the feeling of pulling in. So practice swinging and missing to stop the toeing of the golf ball.