Left Handed Golf Tip: Do Not Move Your Head In Your Golf Swing Dont Be So Sure (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tip: Do Not Move Your Head In Your Golf Swing Dont Be So Sure (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: The concept of moving the head in the golf swing is quite a hot topic in golf teaching and I think it probably always will be. There’s so many times that I sit down with a client in a lesson scenario, and we watch their golf swing for the first time on video and their first comment is, oh, my head moved too much.


Lefties only golf tips: The concept of moving the head in the golf swing is quite a hot topic in golf teaching and I think it probably always will be. There’s so many times that I sit down with a client in a lesson scenario, and we watch their golf swing for the first time on video and their first comment is, oh, my head moved too much.