Left Handed Golt Tips: Hitting Toe Or Heel Divots During The Golf Swing (Video)
Left Handed Golt Tips: Hitting Toe Or Heel Divots During The Golf Swing (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: One way that you can self-analyze your own performance is by checking your divot patterns. Now what we’re going to do in this series of videos is have a look at divots, have a look at toe divots to heel divots, heavy divots and lots of different divots in between, and how they can actually relate to you on the golf course.


Lefties only golf tips: One way that you can self-analyze your own performance is by checking your divot patterns. Now what we’re going to do in this series of videos is have a look at divots, have a look at toe divots to heel divots, heavy divots and lots of different divots in between, and how they can actually relate to you on the golf course.