Left Handed Golf Tips: Does Release Help Stop Blocking Golf Shots (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Does Release Help Stop Blocking Golf Shots (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: A trap that many golfers get stuck in is believing that the release of the arms the release of the golf club is a way to actually stop blocking the shot. In many respects it can make the problem worse. Now first of all what is release the lies you come down through the ball the angles which have been stored up in the wrists in the shaft also known as lag angle.


Lefties only golf tips: A trap that many golfers get stuck in is believing that the release of the arms the release of the golf club is a way to actually stop blocking the shot. In many respects it can make the problem worse. Now first of all what is release the lies you come down through the ball the angles which have been stored up in the wrists in the shaft also known as lag angle.