Left Handed Golf Tips: A Lack Of Practise Areas For Golf Downhill Lie Shots (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: A Lack Of Practise Areas For Golf Downhill Lie Shots (Video)

Lefties Only Golf Tips: An ideal practice facility for any golfer should be a practice facility that encompasses every golf shot they're going to find the next time they play. So we want a driving range a really big flat bed where we can hit the ball as far as we can we maybe want a bunker area so we can practice our bunker shots we want a putting green we want a chipping green but there's one area that I think most practice grounds miss out on and that's actually having an area to practice from sloping lies.


Lefties Only Golf Tips: An ideal practice facility for any golfer should be a practice facility that encompasses every golf shot they're going to find the next time they play. So we want a driving range a really big flat bed where we can hit the ball as far as we can we maybe want a bunker area so we can practice our bunker shots we want a putting green we want a chipping green but there's one area that I think most practice grounds miss out on and that's actually having an area to practice from sloping lies.