Left Handed Golf Tip: In Golf Arms Swing In Front Of Chest (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tip: In Golf Arms Swing In Front Of Chest (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: So there's an area we now need to look at in terms of having the club swinging correctly within the arms, is making sure the club is swung in front of the body. Now this concept of swinging the club in front of the body from this position is making sure the hands and arms always have the club nicely in front of them to swing back and to swing through, and then from this side here swinging it in front of the chest


Lefties only golf tip: So there's an area we now need to look at in terms of having the club swinging correctly within the arms, is making sure the club is swung in front of the body. Now this concept of swinging the club in front of the body from this position is making sure the hands and arms always have the club nicely in front of them to swing back and to swing through, and then from this side here swinging it in front of the chest