Left Handed Golf Tip: Focus On Your Fundamentals To Keep Your Head Stable In The Golf Swing (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tip: Focus On Your Fundamentals To Keep Your Head Stable In The Golf Swing (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: If a golfer is trying to work on minimizing their head movement and you know, it’s just minimizing, not stopping their head movement, but if a golfer is working on minimizing their head movement, there’s a couple of important areas that we like to focus on to make sure their head isn’t moving around too excessively.


Lefties only golf tips: If a golfer is trying to work on minimizing their head movement and you know, it’s just minimizing, not stopping their head movement, but if a golfer is working on minimizing their head movement, there’s a couple of important areas that we like to focus on to make sure their head isn’t moving around too excessively.