Left Handed Golf Question: How do you control putts on fast greens (Video)
Left Handed Golf Question: How do you control putts on fast greens (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: One of the key things about putting is that every different green you’re going to play on is going to be a different speed, different slope, different distance. And that’s really part of the challenge, is it’s not just the same as teeing off, let’s say teeing off we just tee the ball up, the fairway is down there somewhere, the teeing ground is nice and flat, we just produce the same stroke and it’s full speed, full power all the time. But putting every single shot you hit is different.


Lefties only golf tip: One of the key things about putting is that every different green you’re going to play on is going to be a different speed, different slope, different distance. And that’s really part of the challenge, is it’s not just the same as teeing off, let’s say teeing off we just tee the ball up, the fairway is down there somewhere, the teeing ground is nice and flat, we just produce the same stroke and it’s full speed, full power all the time. But putting every single shot you hit is different.