A lot of people don’t realize that they do have a backswing sway. So how can you stop and identify that particular issue within the golf swing? Now the easiest way to do this is to go see a professional to use video analysis where you can see quite simply how that movement is transferring off to the right hand side during the backswing. However if you don’t have access to that or you don’t have access to lessons, there’s a very simple drill that you can use. Just with an alignment stick, if you get your body set up to the ball I just got a 7 iron here. I’m just going to get set up to the ball and I’m going to place the alignment stick just outside my right heel.
Now you’ll notice here how the alignment stick is moving upwards and it has just passed my right hip. Now if I was to hit the shot and I was to sway away during the backswing, my right hip would be moving and contacting this alignment stick. So a great way for you to see and a great way for you to tell if you are swaying during the backswing is to use a drill like this and if you’re on a range mat and you’re not on a grass range you can use a bag or just something which is level with the right hip. So as you move away if you hit it then you know that you are swaying away and this doubles up for a fantastic drill.
So if you get yourself set up and you can feel like you’re turning away along the inside of this alignment stick, you certainly will not be swaying off to the right hand side. So if you do think you’re swaying, if you’re not sure if you’re swaying, use a very, very simple drill like this and it should give you a much better indication to see where your bodyweight is in the backswing.