Why and How - Great Golf Ball Striking With a Level Eye Swing (Video) - by Natalie Adams
Why and How - Great Golf Ball Striking With a Level Eye Swing (Video) - by Natalie Adams Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

If you’re looking at improving your golf swing one of the best tips I could give you would be to keep your eyes level throughout your goal swing. So as you setup and you are going to your stop position if you look at your eye level here is very level. One of most common problems would be that as you swing the club back if your chin is really low and onto your chest your left shoulders are unable to turn without moving your chin out of the way. This will now move your head over and your eyes will no longer be leveled so as you swing back, you would get this type of action where you’re now looking out of the corner of your left eye at the golf ball rather than keeping both eyes level and looking at the golf ball. That’s then going to cause you may be to sway over with the head and also would create problems at the top of the back swing meaning it’s more difficult to get back to the ball consistently. So try this the next time you are in the range, just lift the chin a little bit higher so it is off your chest this will give you the room to turn your left shoulder under your chin and you will be able to move your shoulders without altering your head position. You could also practice that by looking in the mirror, so if you look up look at your reflection practice swing the club back and you will notice that your head position just does not move if you give yourself the room to be able to swing that shoulder under your chin. Try that the next time you are at the range and then take it onto the course for much more consistent and better golf shots.


Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

If you’re looking at improving your golf swing one of the best tips I could give you would be to keep your eyes level throughout your goal swing. So as you setup and you are going to your stop position if you look at your eye level here is very level. One of most common problems would be that as you swing the club back if your chin is really low and onto your chest your left shoulders are unable to turn without moving your chin out of the way. This will now move your head over and your eyes will no longer be leveled so as you swing back, you would get this type of action where you’re now looking out of the corner of your left eye at the golf ball rather than keeping both eyes level and looking at the golf ball. That’s then going to cause you may be to sway over with the head and also would create problems at the top of the back swing meaning it’s more difficult to get back to the ball consistently. So try this the next time you are in the range, just lift the chin a little bit higher so it is off your chest this will give you the room to turn your left shoulder under your chin and you will be able to move your shoulders without altering your head position. You could also practice that by looking in the mirror, so if you look up look at your reflection practice swing the club back and you will notice that your head position just does not move if you give yourself the room to be able to swing that shoulder under your chin. Try that the next time you are at the range and then take it onto the course for much more consistent and better golf shots.