What I want to talk about here is basically how you need to feel the club head, the head feel, how you feel the head, do you we hold it…no, of course, we don’t. How do we do, how do we go about it? It’s all about how do you feel the head. Well, as you take the club back, if I grip nice and tight and swing the club back, there is no feel at all, because everything is just wooded and stiff and it’s just locked. The whole idea of feel is to feel where the club head is at each, sort of, stage of the swing.
So, if I was to put the hands on nice and light, which is what I’m recommending that you do, put them nice and light, almost feeling as if I’ve not got hold of club, all of a sudden the pressure is so light that when I take the club back here I can feel where it is. Here. I can feel where the club is. I don’t need to look or look in the mirror. I can feel. But for the time you’re starting this, by all means use that mirror, that reflection, that video camera to see where you are, but basically the tip here really is to put the least amount of pressure on the grip as possible, grip light, that’s the key, not tight, but light and as you go to light a good exercise would be to, just have a few practice.
Close your eyes. Close your eyes. I’ve got my eyes closed and I’m just feeling that swing. I can feel where the club head is at every point. I can tell you exactly where the club head is. Lovely. And it just works to the ball, hands the same, nice and relaxed. Wasn’t that easy? So, you want feel, let’s grip nice and relaxed and just work on exactly what I’ve shown you. You will get results.