When looking to increase power when driving, loading of the golf backswing is an important part of the process. But what does that mean? Because I'm sure you've heard it said many times, especially with T.V. commentators talking about the tour pros, about how they rode up their backswings and then delivered the power down into the golf fall. Now loading of the backswing is simply a term which is encompassing a lot of different movements within the backswing. It really means turning into a sold right side, it means loading up, it means coiling, it means rotating; it means lots of different things. However the sensation that you have is that you're loading up behind the ball, and that's the whole point of this. So there's lots of different movement all under this one term.
So what do you want to be seeing, what do you want to be looking at, what do you want to be doing within the golf swing to get that loaded feeling? Now, the first thing is that you want the shoulders to be rotating away from the target. Generally speaking, to get the most amount of power you want to be getting those shoulders to at least 90 degrees in relation to your target. So as they rotate around they turn, the club travels backwards, the left arm extends, the arms extend up to the top of the batsman position, and you move into here. Now the loaded feeling that you're going to be having is that as the shoulders turn the weight is moving into the right knee, and you're loading up behind the golf ball. After you've loaded up behind the golf ball into this position, you can then start to move down into the point of impact, turning, and releasing all the energy which you built up during the backswing.
So there are lots of different factors that you need to do when you are loading, which we're going to go into. But please understand that there is grouping together lots of different swing movements, and it's the overall feeling which is known as loading up.