Okay, let’s talk about the proper swing path, that way we should be going. A proper swing path ideally is the swing that, as you move slightly inside the line and then it comes back and it goes slightly outside the line and puts the perfect sort of swing path that we want. But quite often you can imagine your swing path isn't perfect, welcome to the real world. And if your swing path isn't perfect, you may well be guilty of swinging the club outside the line and then coming inside or taking it too much on the inside and going too far outside. So there is a lot of permutations and of course at the end of the day, we can't see ourselves.
If you have got somebody videoing, that's great, but on the golf course, well we need to get something that is consistent and something that it is repetitive that we grooved on the practice ground. So here is a very simple sort of setup here that I have done. We have got, the golf ball in the middle is the ball that we actually want hit. And on the inside, we have actually would three golf balls in a nice line and three on the outside. And obviously, if you are here and you were just swinging the club correctly, you would actually go and swing the club down this channel.
And this channel is being created is to get the club back, come through and if you see I have brought the club back in between those golf balls, hit that golf ball and everything else would still be, still standing. So this is a good way of actually getting the proper swing path. But what if we didn’t actually get that correct, what if we actually come down and we actually catch the first ball. Well, you can imagine, it's a lot easy than you think now, because you have got, like a raft to build on like a grid. If we go back and we have cleared the ball and if we come back and catch the front ball on this inside, you have come to much on the inside.
And if I put it in the inside, that ball has got to start its journey out to the right. So you might need to push that ball, okay for coming from the inside, in which case you put another ball down, set yourself up and think, right, I must try and come back, what you feel now is a little bit more on the outside. But of course, if you go too far outside the line, you might catch the other ball. Remember, a swing that comes back from the inside will stop the ball out to the right foot of a right-handed golfer. And the swing that comes down from the outside, coming across this way will always stop the ball to the left of the target.
Now obviously, you could spin to the right or into a slice, but that's what happens. So a very, very simple technique to gain a proper swing path, so start off, if you don't feel too confident about this, just separate those walls a little bit more, but not too much. Remember to give yourself about a foot, give yourself maybe about two to three inches to start with. Put those balls down there, swing that club back and hit that golf ball in between that.
And that way, a very, very simple way of actually grooving the perfect swing and from there, build your confidence. So remember, start the balls wide and as you get more and more comfortable, bring it in. And if you don’t feel too comfortable with the ball, use a nice long tee peg, stick that in there, a little bit more to hit that, a little bit more confidence. And that’s what we want to do is build up your confidence and then once you got your confidence, you can take this to the golf course. A simple tip; a simple way of grooving a good swing path.