What Is The Golf Swing Sequence (Video) - by Peter Finch
What Is The Golf Swing Sequence (Video) - by Peter Finch

When you are tying the golf swings together, you need to make sure that your sequencing is correct. The golf swing sequence is made of a number of different moving parts and breaking it down into individual chunks can make it a little bit easier to understand. However as a broad overview what you want to be seeing within the golf swing is the lower half driving the down swing, the upper body moving the club away on the back swing. Using those two things as a guide will help you kind of get in the right ballpark or it is a little more intricate than that.

As a general rule what you will see with most players is after a set up position nice and strong with a good posture is they start to move the club away from the ball using their hands. As the hands move away, the arms move away, the shoulders begin to rotate, the trunk begins to rotate and finally the right hip begins to turn away from the ball. Now that is a very refined way to what a back swing sequence is, on the way down that sequence is reversed. So as they get to the top on that right hip is on the less things to rotate around on the way through, the weight transfers left as the hips move left. Then the lower half begins to turn, then the trunk, then the shoulders, then the arms and then finally the hands come through at the point of impact and then follow through to a nice full finish. So that is a very rough guide is “The Golf Swing Sequence”, there are many things within that sequence that can go wrong, there are many things which you may be doing very well at this moment in time and other things you need to work on, breaking down the sequence will give you ideas of what you need to work on and ideas of how you can improve your golf. As an over arching method, that is what you want to be looking at when approaching The Golf Swing Sequence.

When you are tying the golf swings together, you need to make sure that your sequencing is correct. The golf swing sequence is made of a number of different moving parts and breaking it down into individual chunks can make it a little bit easier to understand. However as a broad overview what you want to be seeing within the golf swing is the lower half driving the down swing, the upper body moving the club away on the back swing. Using those two things as a guide will help you kind of get in the right ballpark or it is a little more intricate than that.

As a general rule what you will see with most players is after a set up position nice and strong with a good posture is they start to move the club away from the ball using their hands. As the hands move away, the arms move away, the shoulders begin to rotate, the trunk begins to rotate and finally the right hip begins to turn away from the ball. Now that is a very refined way to what a back swing sequence is, on the way down that sequence is reversed. So as they get to the top on that right hip is on the less things to rotate around on the way through, the weight transfers left as the hips move left.

Then the lower half begins to turn, then the trunk, then the shoulders, then the arms and then finally the hands come through at the point of impact and then follow through to a nice full finish. So that is a very rough guide is “The Golf Swing Sequence”, there are many things within that sequence that can go wrong, there are many things which you may be doing very well at this moment in time and other things you need to work on, breaking down the sequence will give you ideas of what you need to work on and ideas of how you can improve your golf.

As an over arching method, that is what you want to be looking at when approaching The Golf Swing Sequence.