The shoulders during the golf back swing are one of the most important rotations that you can make. The hips should start to rotate because they need to. If you manage to keep your hips in the same location and turn your shoulders fully, then you are a much more flexible person than 99% of the people on planet earth. Then why are the shoulders so important? Why do you hear people talk about the shoulders so much?
Well, by focusing on the shoulders, you can get certain parts of the back swing sequence in place without having to even think about them. One of the most important things that you need to do as you turn away with the hands, as you stretch away with your arms and as you turn around the shoulders, you start to maintain a good spine angle. The arms move away, the shoulders rotate, but the spine angle needs to be staying in the same position.
If it starts to lift up and the head is moving away from the ball, it starts with the downwards and something is going to have to be self-corrected during the down swing. Now, if you think about your shoulders as the middle, well, the spine running through the middle of the shoulders here, and the shoulders need to turn around the axis of the spine. So, you need to be keeping the angle the same, rotating the shoulders away, and then rotating the shoulders through.
If you can combine that within the back swing sequence, you are going to be able to not only complete the shoulder turn, but you are also going to be able to maintain the spine angle, which this whole sequence is rotating around. It is a very, very important piece of the whole technique. So, after getting setup, you’ve got the spine angle tilted over.
You want to be rotating those shoulders fully following the sequence, which we’ve spoken about, turning it underneath the shoulder with the left – turning underneath the shoulder with the left shoulder and maintaining that spine angle, turning back, and then rotating through. Maintaining that spine angle by completing a full shoulder turn around the spine angle’s axis will help you get into a consistent position to hit the ball going through impact.