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Now spinning out of the golf ball is a phrase that’s associated with a lot of golfers who don’t hit the golf ball particularly well, and they’re often accused of spinning out of the shot and some golfers even say to themselves, I really spun out of that one. And it kind of encompasses a number of different mistakes in the golf swing, often associated with golfers who turn left through the golf ball, swing left with the golf club which can cause either pulls or actually slices as well if the club faces open to a leftward swing path. Often also associated with golfers that lean back too much at impact and actually come up through the golf ball, the old classic, you’ve lifted your head on that one when you’ve topped the golf ball. It’s more commonly actually a spinning out process.
We’d look a little bit like this. It’d be someone that’s setting up to the golf ball in quite a good position, swinging back but then rotating upwards through impact. So upwards through impact would throw the club out in front of them which in turn then comes back across the body and the head and the body start to come up. So this is someone that’s spinning out of the ball. We’d often seen balls that cut left to right in the air for the right-handed golfer and top shots. But occasionally if they lean back far enough hitting the ground behind the golf ball as well. So basically spinning out is not a good thing, but rotating through the ball is. And I think that’s where a lot of the confusion comes from for golfers. We really want you to turn down and through impact but we don’t want you to spin up and out of impact and often the differences can be quite subtle. So in this next little mini series of videos, we’re going to look at what’s spinning out is, what the consequences of it are, and most importantly how you can avoid doing it and correct your impact position.