Stop Shanking Your Chip Shots Today - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Stop Shanking Your Chip Shots Today - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

Now if there were a plague or a disease that we wouldn't want to catch in the golf swing it's definitely this video tip job to solve the plague or problem. Something of a bit of focus of the disease of golf I like that but it is a problem. Yeah we're talking about the shank some people don't even want to say the word and it is one of those when one comes along we tend to fear it we get very nervous and sometimes it comes in a bit of a bout like a bit of a cold or a cough and it's a week or so before we shift them and get back on the straight and narrow.

So let's talk about catching a shank. Yeah you know as if it's life like you've got them yeah and then once you've got them you struggle to shake them like a disease. Exactly so if we can alleviate the problem todayPete we're going to give everyone a vaccine for it how are we going to do that. Specifically looking at shanks in the chipping and short shots in the game now one of the reasons why I think most people catch the shank with say your short clubs versus 100 feet and the rest of the longer clubs but one of the reasons why the catch is people are prone to standing very near the golf ball when they're chipping.


Now if there were a plague or a disease that we wouldn't want to catch in the golf swing it's definitely this video tip job to solve the plague or problem. Something of a bit of focus of the disease of golf I like that but it is a problem. Yeah we're talking about the shank some people don't even want to say the word and it is one of those when one comes along we tend to fear it we get very nervous and sometimes it comes in a bit of a bout like a bit of a cold or a cough and it's a week or so before we shift them and get back on the straight and narrow.

So let's talk about catching a shank. Yeah you know as if it's life like you've got them yeah and then once you've got them you struggle to shake them like a disease. Exactly so if we can alleviate the problem todayPete we're going to give everyone a vaccine for it how are we going to do that. Specifically looking at shanks in the chipping and short shots in the game now one of the reasons why I think most people catch the shank with say your short clubs versus 100 feet and the rest of the longer clubs but one of the reasons why the catch is people are prone to standing very near the golf ball when they're chipping.