Improving The Set-Up To Build Golf Swing Rotation Power (Video) - by Peter Finch
Improving The Set-Up To Build Golf Swing Rotation Power (Video) - by Peter Finch

When getting set up to a golf shot you can really help improve the rotational power and the rotational potential that your golf swing will have. Getting set up to really improve these parts of the swing is pretty easy in a matter of space but a lot of people do neglect to do it. So when we talk about the rotations in a golf swing the main rotations we’re talking about are the upper body and the shoulders and the lower half and the hips as you hit through the ball.

Now to improve the upper half and to improve the upper body rotation, a lot of this will come from set up and from posture. So getting keeping the spine angle nice and straight as you tilt over the golf ball will really help get that body into a position where the spine angle is nice and straight and is easy to turn around. The second part of this is just allowing the chin to be raised up nice and high. If that chin is down and is kind of near the chest as you turn away that left shoulder won’t have anywhere to go during this path. So allowing that chin to be raised nice and high, rotating that left shoulder underneath will really get that backswing off to the right point. So having a nice straight posture and you can use that drill that I just kind of showed there. The nose on the grip, rest of the grip pressing at the belt buckle, just maintaining that straight angle of the spine and then making sure the chin is nice and high. With other aspects of the set up you’d want the left toe to be out slightly, that will help turn on the way through, and you can also pop the out slightly as well and that will help you turn on the way back. So have that strong posture, that slight swing of the feet, that big turn away with the chin high allowing that right hip to rotate then moving through as that left foot is open allowing yourself to rotate and move through to the left-hand side. So that is just some very simple tips on how you can change your set up position, how you can move your body into certain positions before you hit the shot to allow you to turn through to a much more powerful rotational swing.

When getting set up to a golf shot you can really help improve the rotational power and the rotational potential that your golf swing will have. Getting set up to really improve these parts of the swing is pretty easy in a matter of space but a lot of people do neglect to do it. So when we talk about the rotations in a golf swing the main rotations we’re talking about are the upper body and the shoulders and the lower half and the hips as you hit through the ball.

Now to improve the upper half and to improve the upper body rotation, a lot of this will come from set up and from posture. So getting keeping the spine angle nice and straight as you tilt over the golf ball will really help get that body into a position where the spine angle is nice and straight and is easy to turn around. The second part of this is just allowing the chin to be raised up nice and high. If that chin is down and is kind of near the chest as you turn away that left shoulder won’t have anywhere to go during this path.

So allowing that chin to be raised nice and high, rotating that left shoulder underneath will really get that backswing off to the right point. So having a nice straight posture and you can use that drill that I just kind of showed there. The nose on the grip, rest of the grip pressing at the belt buckle, just maintaining that straight angle of the spine and then making sure the chin is nice and high. With other aspects of the set up you’d want the left toe to be out slightly, that will help turn on the way through, and you can also pop the out slightly as well and that will help you turn on the way back.

So have that strong posture, that slight swing of the feet, that big turn away with the chin high allowing that right hip to rotate then moving through as that left foot is open allowing yourself to rotate and move through to the left-hand side. So that is just some very simple tips on how you can change your set up position, how you can move your body into certain positions before you hit the shot to allow you to turn through to a much more powerful rotational swing.