Chipping The Ball Made Simple - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Chipping The Ball Made Simple - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

In this video tip PGA professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer will lead you through the simplest technique to improve your chip shots. This will include the concept of leading the swing with the handle of the golf club, bruising the turf just after you have hit the golf ball, and also the concept of keeping your body weight positioned over your front foot throughout the entire golf swing, to improve the impact position and strike of the golf ball.

Any time that we can simply find a movement within the golf swing certainly for us as coaches and people trying to learn the right technique simply find something should always be a positive thing. Yeah I think more often than not we sometimes get we could probably take a bit of blame for that as well too complex and complicated we make things sound too difficult. This tip is all about simplifying the chipping technique really simple across through the camera lens now so that golfers go out on the next round next practice session with a really simple understanding of chipping this golf ball close as they can to the target.

Yeah you know simplifying the chips when you see someone who's struggling with the chip in looks like there's a lot going on he looks like there's some demons in their head. You know they're trying to do it right I need to go to do this and you think how many moving parts of you got there you're only trying to advance this ball you know 10 yards. You know easy I couldn't stand here and throw balls at the camera all day just literally rocking my hand back and forth you know the simplest of actions so like you say let's try and get back to basics a little bit.


In this video tip PGA professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer will lead you through the simplest technique to improve your chip shots. This will include the concept of leading the swing with the handle of the golf club, bruising the turf just after you have hit the golf ball, and also the concept of keeping your body weight positioned over your front foot throughout the entire golf swing, to improve the impact position and strike of the golf ball.

Any time that we can simply find a movement within the golf swing certainly for us as coaches and people trying to learn the right technique simply find something should always be a positive thing. Yeah I think more often than not we sometimes get we could probably take a bit of blame for that as well too complex and complicated we make things sound too difficult. This tip is all about simplifying the chipping technique really simple across through the camera lens now so that golfers go out on the next round next practice session with a really simple understanding of chipping this golf ball close as they can to the target.

Yeah you know simplifying the chips when you see someone who's struggling with the chip in looks like there's a lot going on he looks like there's some demons in their head. You know they're trying to do it right I need to go to do this and you think how many moving parts of you got there you're only trying to advance this ball you know 10 yards. You know easy I couldn't stand here and throw balls at the camera all day just literally rocking my hand back and forth you know the simplest of actions so like you say let's try and get back to basics a little bit.