We all know that putting is a massive part of the game, but it’s probably not the part we practice enough of. So hopefully that the drills that are associated with this section will encourage you to have a little bit more fun with your practice, be a little bit more purposeful with your practice but more deliberate and have better results when you go out in the golf course. If we presume that you’ve got a technically sound putting stroke, a good grip and a good little routine, what we’re now looking for is to improve the smoothness and the consistency of your stroke. We see a lot of golfers out in the course with technically sound positions, but put them under pressure of having a little six-foot pot, maybe to win the Ryder Cup, and that potting strike is all wobbly and jerky and starts to miss. Now, if you’re a Ryder Cuppers, playing your mates for a couple of dollars or having a putt to win the monthly medal on the last hole, that’s the most important competition you’re playing and you feel your potting stroke breakdown under lots of a pressure, hopefully, these drills and these exercises, will make that stroke be a little bit more smoother, a little bit more consistent and a little bit less susceptible to the nerves and the anxiety you fear on the golf course.
What is a smooth putting stroke golf drill 1 (Video) - by Pete Styles