Left Handed Golf Tips: Short Game Issues When Playing Downhill Lies In Golf (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Short Game Issues When Playing Downhill Lies In Golf (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: You noticed I started by hitting two golf shots I got a sand wedge for both of these shots and just trying to chip the ball twenty yards out here. You can see that's quite a high level twenty yard pitch and I've moved off the front of the practice ground to a lot of down slope, and you can see both balls are gonna largely similar distance just a couple of yards.


Lefties only golf tip: You noticed I started by hitting two golf shots I got a sand wedge for both of these shots and just trying to chip the ball twenty yards out here. You can see that's quite a high level twenty yard pitch and I've moved off the front of the practice ground to a lot of down slope, and you can see both balls are gonna largely similar distance just a couple of yards.