Left Handed Golf Tips: Playing Shots From A Questionable Footing Position (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Playing Shots From A Questionable Footing Position (Video)

Lefties Only Golf Tips: If you played golf on a teeing ground a fairway or a green you'd probably never get a shot from questionable footing, but I don't know many golfers always play from the teeing ground the fairway or the green. Certainly exciting golf is played through the trees through the bunkers on an uneven lies and that's where the questionable footing might become relevant.


Lefties Only Golf Tips: If you played golf on a teeing ground a fairway or a green you'd probably never get a shot from questionable footing, but I don't know many golfers always play from the teeing ground the fairway or the green. Certainly exciting golf is played through the trees through the bunkers on an uneven lies and that's where the questionable footing might become relevant.