Left Handed Golf Tips: Escaping Trouble When To Drop Your Golf Ball And When To Play It (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Escaping Trouble When To Drop Your Golf Ball And When To Play It (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: Another great things about the game of golf is that we know it's play with honesty there's no cheating there's no fouling there's no diving on the ground cry get penalties off your opponents. It's dealt with honestly because we have a rulebook and we understand the rule book and a lot of golfers when they play they don't necessarily know every single rule.


Lefties only golf tip: Another great things about the game of golf is that we know it's play with honesty there's no cheating there's no fouling there's no diving on the ground cry get penalties off your opponents. It's dealt with honestly because we have a rulebook and we understand the rule book and a lot of golfers when they play they don't necessarily know every single rule.