Left Handed Golf Tips: Developing Trust With The Super Late Release Golf Swing (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Developing Trust With The Super Late Release Golf Swing (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: One of the key problems if you are trying to develop a very late release within your golf swing is, trusting the positions that you are in. Now one of the key problems with this and one of the massive issues that people have is as that club lags down behind them, as they try and create that late release, they’ve no concept of where the clubface is within their hands.


Lefties only golf tip: One of the key problems if you are trying to develop a very late release within your golf swing is, trusting the positions that you are in. Now one of the key problems with this and one of the massive issues that people have is as that club lags down behind them, as they try and create that late release, they’ve no concept of where the clubface is within their hands.