Left Handed Golf Tip: Create Spin On Full Golf Wedge Shots (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tip: Create Spin On Full Golf Wedge Shots (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: So if you’ve got all the things set up nicely now in order to hit the spinning wedge shot, we’ve got a soft ball, we’ve got a new club, we’ve got a nice, tightly knit lie, we’ve got to make sure our technique is bang on to make sure we can get the best amount of backspin out of this.


Lefties only golf tips: So if you’ve got all the things set up nicely now in order to hit the spinning wedge shot, we’ve got a soft ball, we’ve got a new club, we’ve got a nice, tightly knit lie, we’ve got to make sure our technique is bang on to make sure we can get the best amount of backspin out of this.